Month: January 2021

Analogs Octaplex 500 IU, Aimafix , Immunat , Novoseven , BeneFix , Octanin F, Nanotiv . pharmachologic effect Recombinant antihemophilic factor. Increases the activity of coagulation factor VIII in plasma, has the ability to temporarily correct the corresponding coagulation disorders. Indications for use Treatment and prevention of bleeding in patients with hemophilia A, including during…

Analogs Etamsilat , Etamsilat – Darnitsa , Etamsilat – KV, Revolad , Nettle grass. pharmachologic effect A drug for the prevention and control of bleeding. Indications for use Prevention and treatment of bleeding during and after surgery in otolaryngology, gynecology, obstetrics, urology, dentistry, ophthalmology, plastic surgery; prevention and treatment of capillary bleeding of…

Analogs Contriven, Contrikal. pharmachologic effect The active ingredient of the drug Gordox – aprotinin – is able to suppress the activity of proteolytic enzymes (plasmin, trypsin, kallidinogenase, etc.). Aprotinin is a kallikrein inhibitor, has antifibrinolytic effect, is able to reduce the fibrinolytic activity of…

Analogs Nettle leaves, Pepper water extract, Yarrow herb. pharmachologic effect Used as a hemostatic agent. Indications for use As an adjuvant in obstetric and gynecological practice for uterine postpartum bleeding, with subinvolution of the uterus, hypermenorrhagia . Bleeding from small vessels of the stomach, intestines and…

Analogs Canavit . pharmachologic effect Hemostatic agent. It activates a specific carboxylase, which ensures the carboxylation of glutamic acid residues in the structure of proteins, thereby facilitating the synthesis of blood coagulation factors (II, VII, IX, X). The action develops 12-18 hours after administration.  Indications for use Bleeding…

Analogs ACC Tranexam , Gemax , Tranestat , Trenaksa , Tugina , Vidanol , Gemotran , Neotraneks , Sanger , Tramiks , Transtop , Tsiklokapron . pharmachologic effect Suppresses fibrinolysis ; has a hemostatic effect. It is quickly excreted from the body (4 hours).  Indications for use Bleeding during surgical interventions on the parenchymal organs, heart and blood vessels, in the ear, throat, nose; diseases of internal organs with hemorrhagic…