Month: March 2022

Analogues Antistax . pharmachologic effect Increases the resistance of the vascular wall and reduces its permeability. Indications for use Functional manifestations of venous and lymphatic insufficiency; treatment of lymphatic edema of the upper extremities after radiotherapy or surgery for breast…

Analogues Troxevasin , Troxegel , Troxerutin ‑Darnitsa, Phleboton , Venorutinol , Troxerutin Adifarm , Troxerutin Vetprom , Ginkor fort, Indovazin , Indovenol , Troxevenol , Venolan , Venosmil , Ginkor gel, Ginkor fort capsules. pharmachologic effect Reduces capillary permeability and…

Analogues Corvitin , Antithrombus , Venoton , Gerbion esculus , calcium dobesilate , quercetin , cyclo 3 fort, esculus compositum , L ‑Lysina Escinat , Emoksipin. pharmachologic effect It has antioxidant, capillary -stabilizing , anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective effects. Indications for use…

Analogues Askorutin , Imunovit C, Avenue, Venosmin , Detralex, Dioflan , Normoven , Nostalex , Vasoket , Diosven , Phlebodia . pharmachologic effect Possesses P ‑vitamin activity. It has an angioprotective effect, normalizes capillary permeability, strengthens the vascular wall, reduces…

Analogues Relief Pro cream, Relief Pro suppositories pharmachologic effect Combined drug, has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic , antiallergic, local anesthetic effect. Indications for use Haemorrhoids; superficial anal fissures; proctitis. Dosage and administration Ultraproct is recommended to be used after defecation. Before using…