Month: June 2022

Analogues Amlodipine , Verapamil , Fenigidin , Cinnarizine , Eneas , Nitrepin . pharmachologic effect Hypotensive, vasodilating, antianginal, nephroprotective . Indications for use Raynaud’s syndrome . Dosage and administration The drug is prescribed orally, 10 mg 2 times a day…

Analogues Asomex , Amlo Sandoz , Amlodil Bosnalek , Amlodipine Pfizer, Amlodipine ‑KV, Amlodipine ‑Darnitsa , Norvask , Normodipin , Semlopin , Agen 5 / Agen 10, Aladin, Amlo , Amlodak ‑10, Amlodipine KRKA, Amlodipine ‑Astrapharm , Amlodipine Zdorovye ‑,…

pharmachologic effect It has a coronary dilating (dilating the blood vessels of the heart) action. Indications for use Chronic coronary insufficiency – to prevent attacks. Dosage and administration Inside or sublingually , 0.01-0.02 g 2-3 times a day. The course…

Analogues Duzopharm . pharmachologic effect Vasodilator. It has a myotropic antispasmodic effect, reduces the tone of arterioles and reduces the total peripheral vascular resistance. Improves blood flow to peripheral tissues. Indications for use Peripheral circulatory disorders, diabetic angiopathy, Raynaud’s disease…

Analogues Bilobil , Bilobil forte, Giloba , Gingium , Ginkgo biloba Astrapharm , Ginkgocaps ‑M, Ginkofar , Ginkofar forte, Ginos . pharmachologic effect The components included in the preparation comprehensively improve cerebral, cardiac and peripheral microcirculation. The aggregation of erythrocytes,…