

Amlodipine , Verapamil , Fenigidin , Cinnarizine , Eneas , Nitrepin .

pharmachologic effect

Hypotensive, vasodilating, antianginal, nephroprotective .

Indications for use

Raynaud’s syndrome .

Dosage and administration

The drug is prescribed orally, 10 mg 2 times a day or 20 mg 1 time per day. Further, depending on the effect, the dose is increased to 40 mg 2 times a day or reduced to 10 mg 1 time per day.

Side effects

Tachycardia, angina pectoris, development or aggravation of heart failure, flushing of blood to the skin of the face and upper body, manifestations of precapillary vasodilation , asymptomatic arrhythmias, dizziness, headache, paresthesias, fatigue, asthenia, drowsiness, ataxia, mask-like face, shuffling gait, stiffness of the arms or legs, tremor of the hands and fingers, difficulty swallowing, depression, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea , increased appetite, hepatitis, dry mouth, arthritis, myalgia, leukopenia, anemia, asymptomatic thrombocytopenia, asymptomatic agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, skin rash, blurred vision, pulmonary edema, weight gain, galactorrhea .


Increased individual sensitivity, severe arterial hypotension, pregnancy, lactation period, age up to 18 years.


Symptoms . Headache, flushing of the skin of the face, prolonged pronounced decrease in blood pressure, bradycardia, bradyarrhythmia .

Treatment . The antidote is Ca2+ preparations. In the treatment of overdose, hemodialysis is not effective.

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