Month: February 2021

Analogs Sorbifer , Aktiferrin , Ferroplekt , Ranferon – 12, Hemoferon , Orofer , Gino – tardiferon . pharmachologic effect A complex preparation containing trace elements. Compensates for the deficiency of iron, copper and manganese in the body. Indications for use Iron deficiency anemia, regardless of origin. Prevention of iron deficiency anemia in patients at risk…

Analogs Iron sakhart – iron wine, Maltofer , Ferrum lek, Ferumbo , Venofer , Sufer , Ferinjekt , Ferrolek – Health, Biofer , Heferol .  pharmachologic effect Compensates for iron deficiency in the body, stimulates erythropoiesis, and takes part in metabolic processes. Iron ions are components of hemoglobin, myoglobin, and many enzymes. During the course of treatment of iron deficiency anemia,…

Analogs Binokrit , Recormon , Epobiokrin , Epovitan , Epoetin – Farmeks , Eprex , Aranesp , Mircera . pharmachologic effect Stimulates erythropoiesis, has a pronounced effect in anemia caused by chronic kidney disease. It leads to an increase in hematocrit and hemoglobin levels in the blood, improved blood supply to tissues and heart function. Indications for use…

Analogs Gino – tardiferon , Sorbifer Durules , Ferroplekt , Gemsineral – TD, Globigen . pharmachologic effect Replenishing iron deficiency, hematopoietic (hematopoietic). Indications for use Treatment of iron deficiency in the body. Method of administration and dosage The drops are taken orally (by mouth) immediately before meals or during meals, with a small…

Analogs Hemostatic sponge. pharmachologic effect Absorbent hemostatic agent for topical use. Indications for use As a supportive therapy to achieve hemostasis and tissue adhesion during surgical interventions, to strengthen surgical sutures and in cases when it is impossible to stop…