Month: May 2021

Analogs Taufon – Darnitsa, Solcoseryl eye gel, Lipoflavon, Megazir, Okoferon, Okuloheel, Oftan katakhrom, Tauforin “OZ”, Tiotriazolin, Fakovit. pharmachologic effect Stimulates reparative processes in dystrophic disorders of the retina of the eye, traumatic disorders of the tissues of the eye. Indications for use…

Analogs Diklo – F, Diftal, Clodifen, Uniclofen, Akuvayl, Nevanak, Medrolgin. pharmachologic effect The drug of the NSAID group. It has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Indications for use Inhibition of miosis during cataract surgery; prevention of inflammatory processes after surgery for cataracts or after…

All the microscopic enemies of the human race have been declared at war to the death. It is still being conducted with varying success, but some diseases have already receded, it seems, forever, for example, smallpox. But at the same…

Analogs Diacarb, Diuremid, Azopt, Dorzol, Dorzoptik, Rezlod, Brizal. pharmachologic effect Antiglaucoma remedy. Indications for use Increased intraocular pressure. Open-angle glaucoma. Pseudoexfoliative glaucoma and other types of secondary open-angle glaucoma. Method of administration and dosage 1 ml p – pa contains 32 drops, corresponding to 20 mg…

Analogs Medexol, Ozurdex, Dexamethasone – Biopharma, Dexamethasone – Darnitsa, Dexamethasone phosphate, Dexapos, Maxidex, Oftan dexamethasone, Pharmadex, Hydrocortisone, Hydrocortisone – pos, Metedrom, Dex – tobrin, Dexa – gentamicinobra, Maxidexitrol, Zobrin , Medetrom. pharmachologic effect Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action. Indications for use Allergic conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, keratitis, iritis, iridocyclitis, trauma, as well as…

Analogs Visine , Visine classic Vial light , Vizoptik , Oftal . pharmachologic effect Reduces burning, irritation, itching, soreness and watery eyes. Indications for use Eye irritation, itching, edema and hyperemia of the conjunctiva, burning sensation, lacrimation, injection of the sclera caused by chemical and physical factors, allergic conjunctivitis. Method of administration…