

Spazmalgon , spasm – M Baralgetas , Revalgin , Renalgan – Biolik , Reonalgon , spazgan , Spazmadol , Spazmoblok , Cygan – ABR, Spazgo , Took, Baralgin, Realgin , Baralginus , Tsiklopar , Andipal , Andipal B Andipal – neo , Andipal – forte , Andipal – extra.

pharmachologic effect

Combined analgesic and antispasmodic drug.

Indications for use

Mild or moderate pain syndrome of various etiologies, in particular with renal, biliary or intestinal colic, spasm of the smooth muscle layer of the bladder and ureter, dysmenorrhea and chronic colitis. Used for arthralgia, neuralgia, myalgia and sciatica.

Dosage and administration

Tablets are recommended to be taken after meals with a sufficient amount of water. The dose of the drug and the duration of therapy are determined by the doctor. Adults   are prescribed 1-2 tablets of the drug 2-3 times a day or once. For children over the age of 5 years, the   dose is calculated individually. The maximum recommended daily dose for adults is 6 tablets. The drug should be taken no more than 5 days in a row. With prolonged therapy with the drug, it is recommended to regularly monitor the blood picture and liver function.

Side effects

Dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, stomach discomfort, decreased blood pressure, allergic reactions.


Functional disorders of the kidneys and liver, deficiency of glucose – 6 – phosphate dehydrogenase, blood disease, collaptoid state, tachyarrhythmia, gastro – intestinal obstruction. Do not use in the treatment of patients suffering from angle-closure glaucoma and prostatic hypertrophy with impaired urination. It is strictly forbidden to use the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy and the lactation period, in children under 5 years of age.


Dryness of the oral mucosa, excessive sweating, vomiting, decreased blood pressure, impaired accommodation, confusion and drowsiness develop. Possible impaired liver and kidney function, as well as the development of seizures.

In case of an overdose, therapy aimed at eliminating the symptoms is prescribed.

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