

Askorutin , Imunovit C, Avenue, Venosmin , Detralex, Dioflan , Normoven , Nostalex , Vasoket , Diosven , Phlebodia .

pharmachologic effect

Possesses P ‑vitamin activity. It has an angioprotective effect, normalizes capillary permeability, strengthens the vascular wall, reduces platelet aggregation, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Indications for use

Varicose veins with pain and swelling syndrome, post- thrombectomy syndrome, chronic venous insufficiency, hemorrhoids and its complications, varicose veins and hemorrhoids during pregnancy (starting from the second trimester of pregnancy), pain and swelling of soft tissues after injuries, trophic disorders and ulcers of various localization , as an additional tool for manipulations on varicose veins.

Dosage and administration

Gel. Apply to the skin at the site of the lesion and rub in easily; apply 2 times a day.

Capsules. Inside used in the form of capsules; the drug has a phlebotonic and angioprotective effect, normalizes capillary permeability, strengthens the vascular wall, reduces platelet aggregation, has an anti-inflammatory effect, leads to a decrease in edematous and pain syndromes. The therapeutic dose is 1500 mg per day.

Side effects

Skin ‑allergic reactions, dyspepsia , headache, flushing. These side effects usually disappear on their own and do not require therapeutic measures.


Hypersensitivity to the drug, I trimester of pregnancy.


No cases of overdose accompanied by clinical symptoms have been reported.

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