The drug Cialis belongs to the clinical and pharmacological group of drugs, phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE-5) inhibitors . It is used for the symptomatic treatment of erectile dysfunction in men.
Composition and form of release
The drug Cialis from is made in the dosage form of tablets for oral administration, film-coated. They have a yellow color, a round shape and a biconvex surface. The main active ingredient of the drug is tadalafil , its content in one tablet is 5 and 20 mg. It also includes auxiliary substances, which include:
Cialis tablets are packaged in an aluminum foil blister of 1, 2, 4, 8 or 14 pieces. A cardboard box contains 1 or 2 blisters with tablets, as well as instructions for the use of the drug.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The main active ingredient of Cialis Tadalafil tablets improves the erectile function of the penis, increasing blood flow to the corpus cavernosum. This is due to the suppression of the enzyme phosphodiesterase 5, which in turn leads to the accumulation of nitric oxide in the corpus cavernosum. Nitric oxide stimulates the accumulation of cyclic guanine triphosphate ( cGMP ), which reduces the tone of the walls of the vascular bed, expands their lumen, and also expands arterial vessels, helping to increase blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis with an improvement in erection.
After taking the Cialis tablet inside, the active ingredient tadalafil is quickly and almost completely absorbed into the blood from the lumen of the small intestine. It reaches its maximum concentration in the blood after 2 hours. Tadalafil is evenly distributed in tissues, enters the cavernous bodies, where it has a therapeutic effect. It is metabolized in the liver with the formation of inactive decay products, which are excreted from the body mainly in the feces and, to a lesser extent, in the urine. The therapeutic effect after taking the Cialis tablet develops within 15-20 minutes and can persist for a period of up to 36 hours.
Indications for use
The main medical indication for taking Cialis tablets is to improve the erectile function of the penis in men, the violation of which was provoked by various reasons.
Contraindications for use
Taking Cialis tablets is contraindicated in case of increased sensitivity of the patient’s body to any of the components of the drug, in children under 18 years of age, as well as in the joint administration of drugs of pharmacological groups containing organic nitrates.
Method of administration and dosage
Cialis tablets are intended for oral administration (oral administration). They are taken whole, not chewed and washed down with a sufficient amount of water at least 16 minutes before the intended sexual intercourse, regardless of the previous meal. The average recommended therapeutic dosage of the drug is 20 mg. Taking pills is not allowed more than once a day. An improvement in erection and a man’s ability to have full sexual intercourse, on average, persist for 36 hours after taking Cialis tablets .
Side effects
While taking Cialis tablets , negative pathological reactions in the form of headaches, dyspepsia with nausea and bloating can often develop. Somewhat less often, there is pain in the back and muscles (myalgia), nasal congestion, sensations of a rush of heat in the face. Very rarely, edema of the eyelids, redness (hyperemia) of the conjunctiva of the eyes, and periodic dizziness may develop. In the event of negative pathological reactions after taking Cialis tablets, their use should be discontinued and consult a medical specialist.
special instructions
Before you start using Cialis tablets, it is important to carefully read the instructions. There are several specific recommendations regarding their intake that are worth paying attention to, these include:
In the pharmacy chain, Cialis tablets are dispensed with a prescription, therefore, their independent use without an appropriate medical prescription is not recommended.
In the case of taking Cialis tablets in a dosage that significantly exceeds the therapeutic one, more frequent development of negative pathological reactions is possible. In such cases, symptomatic therapy is performed, which is prescribed by a doctor.
Cialis analogues
Tadalafil and Tedallis drugs are similar for Cialis tablets in composition and therapeutic effect .
Terms and conditions of storage
The shelf life of Cialis tablets is 3 years from the date of release. They must be stored in a dark, dry place out of the reach of children and in undamaged original packaging at an air temperature not exceeding + 30 ° C.
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