

Longokain , Bupivacaine Agetan , Bupivacaine Spinal , Bupivacaine – SH, Bupivacaine – M, marcaine , Omnikain , Artifrin – Health Septanest with adrenaline Ubistezin ZM, Ubistezin forte, articaine D – C, articaine D – C fort Bupivacaine Spinal Agetan , Longokain Heavy , Articaine , Artifrin – Health, Artifrin – Health forte.  

pharmachologic effect

Local anesthetic.

The action develops quickly, the duration of anesthesia is about 3-7 hours. 

Indications for use

Local anesthesia for pain syndrome of various origins, epidural, caudal and conduction anesthesia, anesthesia for reducing dislocations of the joints of the upper and lower extremities.

Method of administration and dosage

The dose of the drug depends on the type of pain relief. Usually, for epidural anesthesia, adults weighing up to 70 kg   are administered in a single dose of 50-100 mg, for caudal anesthesia – 75-150 mg, for peripheral nerve blockade – 25-150 mg.        

A single dose should not exceed 150-175 mg (2 mg per 1 kg of body weight). Reapplication is possible after 3-6 hours, while the daily dose should not exceed 400 mg. Bupivacaine is administered slowly with repeated aspiration to exclude intra-articular administration at the minimum effective dose.     

Side effects

Agitation, anxiety, dizziness, ringing in the ears, visual impairment, tremor, convulsions, depression, drowsiness, coma, respiratory arrest, nausea, vomiting, chills, miosis , suppression of myocardial contractility with a decrease in cardiac output, conduction disturbances, arterial hypotension, bradycardia , ventricular arrhythmia, lactation period.


Hypersensitivity to local anesthetics of the amide group, age up to 12 years.

Bupivacaine is not used for paracervical block – anesthesia during childbirth and for intravenous regional anesthesia.


Symptoms of   acute overdose occur with an increase in the concentration of Bupivacaine in the blood plasma, most often – with accidental intravascular, intraarticular or subarachnoid administration, and are manifested by systemic toxic effects. 

Treatment . In the case of a total spinal block, adequate ventilation must be provided. With a decrease in blood pressure, a vasopressor agent should be administered, for example, ephedrine 5-10 mg IV . 

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