Analogs Hepatosan, Cholenol, Progepar, Hepa – Merz, Hepaphor, Glutargin, Phosphogliv, Tykveol, Maksar. pharmachologic effect It has hepatoprotective properties. Improves metabolism in the liver cells. It has antioxidant activity. Indications for use Liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis of various origins, liver steatosis, liver damage, prolonged intoxication…
Analogs Silymarin, Legalon, Essentiale, Heptral, Heparsil, Darsil, Legalon Sil, Silibor forte, Levasil, Simepar, PM Syrin, Remaxol. pharmachologic effect It has hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects. Optimizes cell metabolism. Indications for use Toxic liver damage: chronic inflammatory liver disease or cirrhosis. Dosage and…
Analogs Hepatox, Larnamine, Ornithox, Eslidine, Orniliv. pharmachologic effect It has detoxification and hepaprotective properties. Indications for use Treatment of patients with concomitant diseases and complications caused by impaired detoxification of the liver, with symptoms of latent or severe hepatic encephalopathy.…
Analogs Energy, Hunyadi Yanosh, Gepadif, Holosas, Holiver, Artichoke extract, Hepatophytum, Galstena, Bondzhigar, Gepalin. pharmachologic effect It has a hepatoprotective and choleretic effect. Indications for use Biliary dyskinesia, postcholecystectomy syndrome, chronic inflammatory liver disease, chronic hepatitis, chronic toxic liver damage. Dosage…
Analogs Enerliv , Hunyadi János, Gepadif , holosas , Holiver , Gepabene , Artichoke extract, Gepatofit , Lesfal , Lecithin, Esau , Essel Fort, St. John’s wort grass. pharmachologic effect It has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects on the liver and biliary tract. Prevents stone formation. Indications for use Acute and chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Used in the…
Analogs Spazmalgon , spasm – M Baralgetas , Revalgin , Renalgan – Biolik , Reonalgon , spazgan , Spazmadol , Spazmoblok , Cygan – ABR, Spazgo , Took, Baralgin, Realgin , Baralginus , Tsiklopar , Andipal , Andipal B Andipal – neo , Andipal – forte , Andipal – extra. pharmachologic effect Combined analgesic and antispasmodic drug. Indications for use Mild or moderate pain syndrome of various etiologies, in particular with renal, biliary or intestinal colic, spasm of the smooth muscle layer of the bladder…
Analogs Duspalatin , Mebsin Retard , Trimspa 200, Aspazmin , Tribudat Gasspazam , Besalol, Movespasm . pharmachologic effect Myotropic antispasmodic with selective action on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. Eliminates spasm without affecting normal intestinal motility. Indications for use Adults and children over the age of 10 years for the symptomatic treatment of…
Analogs Drotaverin forte, Drotaverin – Darnitsa , Drotaverina hydrochloride, But – x – sha , But – x – sha forte, But – shpa, But – shpa Forte, Nohshaverin “OZ”, Papaverin, Papaverin – Darnitsa , Papaverin – Health, Papaverine hydrochloride, Spasmomen , Riabal , Unispaz , Bellalgin , Bellastesin , Spasmobru , Buscopan , Spazmoverin. pharmachologic effect Antispasmodic. Reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of internal organs and intestinal locomotor activity, dilates blood vessels. Indications for use Abdominal pain caused by spasms of…
Analogs Bobotik , Disflatil , Infacol , Kolikid suspension Kolikid tablets Kuplaton , Sab simplex Espumizan – Health Espumizan Bebe , Espuzin – health. pharmachologic effect Changes the surface tension of gas bubbles in the contents of the stomach and intestines, as a result of which they are destroyed. The released gases are absorbed by the intestinal wall or out. The action of simethicone is purely…
Analogs Platifillin – Darnitsa , Platifillin – Health. pharmachologic effect An antispasmodic that selectively acts on the digestive tract. Indications for use Symptomatic treatment of pain, temporary intestinal disorders and intestinal discomfort associated with functional bowel disorders; symptomatic treatment of pain with biliary tract dysfunction; preparation for x-ray…