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Analogues Atenobene, Atenol, Atenolol ‑Astrapharm, Atenolol Zdorovye, Dinorik Darnitsa, AthenoN, Tenorik, Tonorma, Tenochek, Betak, Betacor, Lokren, Breviblok, Nebival, Nebivolol Sandoz, Nebilet, Nebitrend, Nebicard, Nebilong, Nebitenz, Carvedilol KV, Corvasan, Coriol, Medocardil , Atram, Carvedilol Sandoz, Carvedilol Lugal, Carvidex, Cardiostat, Talliton, Tenolol,…

Analogues Amidaron, Myoritmil ‑Darnitsa, Rotaritmil, Amiocordin, Aritmil, CardiodaronHealth, Kordaron, Multak. pharmachologic effect Antiarrhythmic and antianginal agent. Indications for use Prevention of angina attacks, treatment and prevention of paroxysmal arrhythmias, as well as extrasystole. Dosage and administration For the prevention of…

Analogues corinfar retard , Nifecard XL, Kordipin , Corinfar , Nicardia retard , Nifedipine ‑Darnitsa , Osmo ‑adalat , Farmadipin , Fenigidin , Fenigidin ‑Health, Felodip , Nemotan , Nimodipine , Nimotop , Kordipin XL, Kordipin retard , Corinfar uno…

Analogues Zanidip , Nitresan , Lacipil . pharmachologic effect Has a hypotensive effect. Indications for use Essential hypertension of mild to moderate severity. Dosage and administration 1 tablet (10 mg) 1 time per day at least 15 minutes before meals,…

Analogues Barboval , Betaloc ZOK, Concor , Magnesium sulfate, Papaverine, Prestans , Enap , Felogexal , Felodipine sandoz . pharmachologic effect It has a hypotensive, selective (selective) effect on the calcium channels of vascular smooth muscles. Causes expansion of the…

Analogues Diacordin , Diltiazem Lannacher retard , Diltiazem ‑retard , Kardil . pharmachologic effect It has antianginal, hypotensive and antiarrhythmic effects. Reduces myocardial contractility, slows down AV ‑conduction, reduces heart rate, reduces myocardial oxygen demand, dilates coronary arteries, increases coronary…

Analogues Verapamil hydrochloride, Veratard 180, Verogalide ER 240mg, Isoptin , Lekoptin , Finoptin . pharmachologic effect Class III antiarrhythmic drug with analgesic effect. It has antiarrhythmic and antianginal effects. Indications for use Treatment and prevention of paroxysmal arrhythmias, extrasystoles ;…

Analogues Amlodipine , Verapamil , Fenigidin , Cinnarizine , Eneas , Nitrepin . pharmachologic effect Hypotensive, vasodilating, antianginal, nephroprotective . Indications for use Raynaud’s syndrome . Dosage and administration The drug is prescribed orally, 10 mg 2 times a day…

Analogues Asomex , Amlo Sandoz , Amlodil Bosnalek , Amlodipine Pfizer, Amlodipine ‑KV, Amlodipine ‑Darnitsa , Norvask , Normodipin , Semlopin , Agen 5 / Agen 10, Aladin, Amlo , Amlodak ‑10, Amlodipine KRKA, Amlodipine ‑Astrapharm , Amlodipine Zdorovye ‑,…

pharmachologic effect It has a coronary dilating (dilating the blood vessels of the heart) action. Indications for use Chronic coronary insufficiency – to prevent attacks. Dosage and administration Inside or sublingually , 0.01-0.02 g 2-3 times a day. The course…